Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patty's Day Rugby

Every year around St. Patrick's Day, Savannah holds an all weekend Rugby tournament. We always have such a good time but this year was by far the best! Brooke, a great friend, came with us and saw her first rugby match. The weather was pretty nice and my friend, Laura came down from Raleigh to hang out for a while.
Thad managed to leave with minor injuries. :)

Ellie warmed up to everyone very quickly and had a great time making new friends.

Ava and Brooke twirled for what seemed like hours and never got tired of it. :)

We look forward to doing it all over again next year!


That Fresh Feeling said...

Looks like you guys had a blast. love the pics!

I wanna come visit sometime soon...Rob's best friend just moved to Atlanta...

When are you coming back to NC?

love ya, A