Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Meet our Beauty Queens!

All of this can happen in a span of 1.5 minutes! This morning I was on the phone getting some last minute things done for our house and this is what happened. I was on the phone no more than 2 minutes and as soon as I got done this is what I found! I wish you all could have seen their faces when I found them! Ellie was so proud that she had put on some "pretty eyes" and that she got Ava too. She did a pretty good job getting one of her eyes but she didn't even come close with Ava. Both of them still have a little bit of mascara in their hair which we'll get out at bath time. It just cracks me up the things they get in to and how quickly they get into it!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

No Title can Explain...

What do you do when you find yourself standing outside of your home with the door locked and your 2 year old standing on the other side of the door laughing at you? I had the "wonderful" opportunity of pondering this question while I was standing outside this morning!
I had walked out to put a trash bag outside and as soon as I walked out Ellie shut the door and locked it! I looked inside and she was standing there laughing hysterically. She thought it was the funniest thing that her mama couldn't come inside and get her. She then ran to another room where I couldn't see her but could still hear her laughing! After about 5 minutes of knocking, Ava finally came over and started knocking back. She tried to open the door for me but she's not tall enough. :( Ellie finally came back over, still laughing, laid on the floor and covered her eyes... Like I couldn't see her or something. She got up and opened the door then ran to her room. The whole time I'm trying to be tough and not laugh but it was nearly impossible. While I was standing there thinking "I need to get back in", I'm also thinking, "I can't believe my child just locked me out and is laughing about it!"
The best part is... I was on the phone with my dad at the time all of this was happening and all he could do was laugh! I called Thad to tell him about it and I got the same response from him! So I figured if they found it so funny you all would as well. Sorry there are no pictures but I'm sure you can imagine little bouncy Ellie doing this.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Still Going...

I can hardly stand how cute these pups are! They opened their eyes about a week ago and couldn't be cuter! We moved them to our front porch so that we can watch them better and because it's a little cooler next to the house. The girls love being able to watch them from the front door and go out and play with them every now and then. Ellie has to pick each one up tell it "hey", give it a kiss on the head then put it back with the others. Ava just giggles, pats them on the head and then procedes to have a conversation with it! We are really enjoying having them around.