Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fall Festival

This evening we went to the fall festival at our church. We had a great time and had a good turn out of around 200 people! Ellie and Ava had a blast! Ellie was a fairy and Ava was a lady bug until she was too unhappy to keep her in it. Ellie played on the moon bounce and went down the big slide over and over and over... There was a little pool of balls that Ava would live in if we let her. :)

Those of you who know Thad know that he has a weakness for doughnuts... There is a lady in the church that makes powder sugar covered doughnuts. She made those tonight and let's just say Thad will be fasting for the next 3 days!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day trip to Athens!

This past Saturday we spent the day in Athens. Thad had his annual alumni rugby game but we were able to do some other things while were there. We went to the UGA campus walked around and took a few pictures of the girls. My dad was able to come visit with us and play with the girls for the afternoon. Ellie loved having someone to chase around after her for a couple of hours! After the game we ate dinner and did a little shopping and called it a day. The girls slept pretty much the whole way home so we had a nice and relaxing ride home. We had a great time and really enjoyed seeing my dad!