Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So far Ava's favorite game is Peek-A-Boo. She will play with anything... A towel, blanket, clothes, her hands... Whatever is close when she's in the mood. It's so funny hearing her say "Boo" and then cackling about it. Here are a few pictures of her playing the other night.

Baby it's cold outside!

Today Ellie really wanted to go outside and swing. It's been pretty cold outside the past few days but I couldn't say "no" b/c she's just so cute. :) So we all bundled up and went outside to swing. Ava was tired when we went out and ended up falling asleep. They managed to stay warm and ended up swinging for about 30 minutes... Here are a few pics of them all wrapped up.

Happy Birthday Ava!!!!

I am amazed at how fast this past year has gone by! It's hard to believe that a year ago we brought her home from the hospital! It has been so much fun watching Ava grow and develop such a personality. We had her party on Saturday night and had a great time! She got more toys then she knows what to do with and before she ran around shirtless she had some cake. :) She finally said her first word this past week which is "Boo!" She LOVES to play peek a boo with everyone! We're looking forward to what the next year has in store...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Brush your teeth

On occasion Ellie likes to brush her teeth by herself and last night was one of those times. She had left the bathroom with her toothbrush and was walking around brushing her teeth. I had sat down on the couch and had put Ava up there with me. Next thing I know Ellie is putting the brush in Ava's mouth and Ava is letting her!! Ava then took the toothbrush from Ellie and started brushing her own teeth. After the cuteness of it wore off we then realized that it is a toothbrush and kind of gross to be sharing it... So we sadly had to ruin their fun... :( Before we did though we took a few pics...

Monday, December 3, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree! Oh Christmas Tree!

We got our tree up and the girls are loving it!! Every morning Ellie asks "Mama! tree? lights? lights?" It's so cute. They have actually done really well with not touching it too. :) Here are a few pictures of the girls in front of the tree. Notice the bottom doesn't have any ornaments b/c Ava will pull them off. Haha!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pictures and an Update

Sorry it has been a while since I have posted anything... We have had a busy but good past couple of weeks.
Yesterday we started decorating for Christmas. Ellie is just beside herself about the decorations! She loves the tree and all of the ornaments on it. We let her help and she would grab an ornament toss in the tree and go grab another!!
Ava is trying to get over a cold but she's still happy as always.
I will be putting some more pictures up over the next few days.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Attack of the Lady Bugs!!!

Over the past 2 years I have learned that in Central Georgia there is a time of year when there is an invasion of Lady bugs. I don't know how many homes they invade but ours is definitely on the top 10 list. They literally cover our front porch and somehow get into our front living room. Last year wasn't that big of a deal having them get in. However this year is a different story. Ellie does NOT like bugs in the least and she makes certain that we know this... Today a Lady bug landed on her and from the sound of her screams I thought she had been attacked by something awful... I look over and her eyes are big as bowling balls and she is screaming "BUG!" "BUG!". I flicked it off of her leg and she ran to another room crying!
Later on she figured she'd get her revenge on this evil bug that had wronged her. She saw one on the floor ran and got one of my shoes and came back whacking at it. When she discovered it was no longer moving she looked at me, smiled, and said "No bug".
Hopefully the cold weather will come back soon and we can be free of these little red bugs.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Earlier this year my dad gave us a swing that my grandpa made for me, my sister, and brothers when we were younger. It's a great swing and it quickly became Ellie's favorite swing. She will lay her head back, close her eyes and just relax. Ava had her first swing in it the other day and seems to have the same feelings that Ellie does. :) As I was pushing them I remembered how much fun me and my sister had swinging in this swing. My Grandpa would push us for what seemed like hours until we either fell asleep or had to go inside. Now I know how he felt... Every time I ask Ellie if she wants to get down or go inside she politely shakes her head and ever so quietly says "No".

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I got my sister fix!!!

This weekend I was finally able to get my sister fix! Carmen and Robbie came down and we were able to spend a lot of time just relaxing and doing girl stuff. The girls loved having them here... Ellie was always playing with "Cahkey" and "Wobbie". When they weren't around for 2 minutes she was asking where they were. We had a camp fire Sat. night and made smores. Mmmmm!!!We had a blast with them and can't wait to see them again soon!

I wasn't able to get many pictures b/c my camera broke but we got a few before they left.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fall Festival

This evening we went to the fall festival at our church. We had a great time and had a good turn out of around 200 people! Ellie and Ava had a blast! Ellie was a fairy and Ava was a lady bug until she was too unhappy to keep her in it. Ellie played on the moon bounce and went down the big slide over and over and over... There was a little pool of balls that Ava would live in if we let her. :)

Those of you who know Thad know that he has a weakness for doughnuts... There is a lady in the church that makes powder sugar covered doughnuts. She made those tonight and let's just say Thad will be fasting for the next 3 days!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day trip to Athens!

This past Saturday we spent the day in Athens. Thad had his annual alumni rugby game but we were able to do some other things while were there. We went to the UGA campus walked around and took a few pictures of the girls. My dad was able to come visit with us and play with the girls for the afternoon. Ellie loved having someone to chase around after her for a couple of hours! After the game we ate dinner and did a little shopping and called it a day. The girls slept pretty much the whole way home so we had a nice and relaxing ride home. We had a great time and really enjoyed seeing my dad!