Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Cuteness Continues!

I'm sad to report that we only have 10 puppies now. It happens when you have that many but it's still sad. We were able to get a count yesterday and they're all boys! Here's a funny bit of info for you all... They have not opened their eyes yet so they crawl around hunting for their mama with their mouths open. Sometimes they are unsuccessful at finding Dixie so they latch onto each others "little winkies"! When we saw it we couldn't help but laugh! They should be opening their eyes within the next couple of days and won't have this problem anymore. :)

Both girls are absolutely tickled whenever they see the pups but Ava has been beyond excited. She giggles and dances and starts babbling we can't understand a word she says. The picture only shows about 1/10 of her excitement. It's a little blurry and she looks like her right arm is missing but you get the idea.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Baby Puppies

As of yesterday afternoon we have somewhere around 13 puppies!! Dixie was in labor for nearly 20 hours and the end result a bunch of cute puppies! We aren't positive how many there are but we're pretty sure it's either 12 or 13. All but 2 are black and the other 2 are tan. Ellie is absolutely beside herself about the "Baby Puppies" as she calls them. Ava likes to see them but doesn't want to hold them yet. Dixie has let us a hold a couple of them which has been fun. :) We will update pictures as they get bigger.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ava's Stuck!

About 3 weeks ago my dad gave us our new entertainment center, which we love! He built it himself and it looks amazing! One of the things I love about it is how much storage space there is in the bottom. Oddly enough Ava loves it too. She can crawl in and look around for the movie she wants but she gets stuck getting out... She tries to go out sitting up and she just doesn't understand why it doesn't work. :0 Yesterday I was in the shower when Ellie came running back saying, "Mama! Ava's stuck. Come look! Ava's stuck!" This is what I came out to...

She fusses like it's the end of the world but as soon as we get her out she's like a new person and couldn't be happier.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fun Weekend.

This past weekend we took a last minute trip up to Raleigh to visit my family and see my brother off before his next training. We were only there for 3 days but we had a lot of fun and got a lot done! I think we went swimming every day we were there and the girls loved that! ;) Ava finally found some water she didn't whine about getting in!! Hallelujah! Ellie got a hold of the water hose and sprayed everyone in the pool... Ava and Grandaddy picked flowers for me and Thad and of course they chased the cat around the house every chance they got. We always hate to leave my family but at least we get some good and funny pictures to remember the trip by.