All of this can happen in a span of 1.5 minutes! This morning I was on the phone getting some last minute things done for our house and this is what happened. I was on the phone no more than 2 minutes and as soon as I got done this is what I found! I wish you all could have seen their faces when I found them! Ellie was so proud that she had put on some "pretty eyes" and that she got Ava too. She did a pretty good job getting one of her eyes but she didn't even come close with Ava. Both of them still have a little bit of mascara in their hair which we'll get out at bath time. It just cracks me up the things they get in to and how quickly they get into it!

Oh my goodness oh my goodness these are classic:-) They both look so happy too! I was laughing in my office! at least it was not permanent marker, right?
Ellie's hair is getting so long. And she looks older...maybe because she has a bday coming up.
love ya, a
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