I'm sad to report that we only have 10 puppies now. It happens when you have that many but it's still sad. We were able to get a count yesterday and they're all boys! Here's a funny bit of info for you all... They have not opened their eyes yet so they crawl around hunting for their mama with their mouths open. Sometimes they are unsuccessful at finding Dixie so they latch onto each others "little winkies"! When we saw it we couldn't help but laugh! They should be opening their eyes within the next couple of days and won't have this problem anymore. :)
Both girls are absolutely tickled whenever they see the pups but Ava has been beyond excited. She giggles and dances and starts babbling we can't understand a word she says. The picture only shows about 1/10 of her excitement. It's a little blurry and she looks like her right arm is missing but you get the idea.
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