This past week we took some kids from our youth group to Daytona Beach, Florida to do some disaster relief from hurricane damage. The girls and I tagged along to help out with the cooking and we had a great time! On Tuesday we were able to have some free time so we went to the beach. It was Ellie's 2nd time going and Ava's 1st time. Ellie, of course, loved it but Ava did not care for it in the least. The cooking team went that morning, which was me and 2 other ladies and then everyone went that night. Ellie could not get enough of the beach! She had the time of her life! Hopefully Ava will warm up to it next time we go. ;)
Well, I am honored to tell you all that Ben made it and we couldn't be more proud! He graduated on June 20th and I was so happy to be there for his moment! Thursday was family day so me and the girls left for Parris Island early that morning and were able to spend a few hours with Ben and my parents. He showed us around the island and it was beautiful. It was surrounded by beaches but was anything but a day at the beach. ;)
The graduation ceremony was Friday morning and it was great! The band was amazing and it was so awesome to see all of those men and women in perfect unison with every move!
I am so proud of you, Ben! Congratulations on finishing and pushing through to the end! We love you and are so honored to call you our brother! OOH-RAH!
... Or it can leave you speechless, make you cramp up from laughing so hard, or just make you seriously afraid for the children! Haha! Last night we decided that it was time for Thad to have his hair cut and who doesn't want to experiment when you're in charge? We decided it would be funny just to see what he would look like with a mohawk and sure enough it was hilarious. Ava just stared in complete confusion and was almost a little afraid! Sadly, I didn't get pictures of their faces but you can imagine. So, like I said before... A picture is worth a thousand words, laughs, or thoughts!
The girls have always loved putting on hats and Monday we finally got a picture of them! Ellie put hats on herself and Ava and said, "Mama, take a picture!" It was really cute. So here they are with their daddy's hats on. Ava took hers off very quickly and wanted to play with the camera.
For some strange reason the girls are attracted to the plastic utensils in our pantry. Almost like bugs to a light. Usually I catch them before they make a mess of things, but not today. When I walked up the only thing I saw was forks all over the floor! They were both hiding in the pantry with little devious grins on their faces! They may not share everything but they share the responsibility of dispersing the forks... They take turns at unloading the forks. I'm sure you're thinking "How funny!" -Not so much. I suppose after the 3rd or 4th time the cuteness fails to show itself. Well, here are a couple of pictures for your laughing pleasure.