Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Posted by Parker Family at 1:16 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
These girls sure are quick...
Last night I was on the phone with an old friend just chatting and catching up on life. Thad had just left to run an errand and the girls were playing in their room. Every few minutes I would walk in and check on the girls and make sure they weren't up to no good. They were playing with diapers and laughing so I left them be. There was about 5 minutes in between my last 2 "check ups" and in that 5 min. they managed to destroy their room! They had emptied every drawer in their dresser and freed all of the nicely folded clothes. So there were diapers and clothes EVERYWHERE! And when I say they I mostly mean Ellie... She is the ring leader for any kind of happening like this. Since they had already done their damage I let them play and I finished my phone call. When Thad got home (about 15 minutes later) he had a look of complete shock and amazement! We put the clothes away and Ellie got her first lesson in folding clothes! :)
Posted by Parker Family at 2:12 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Springtime in February
This afternoon we spent a good bit of time outside playing and enjoying the spring-like weather. Thad and Ellie played golf and Ava ran around and played in the sand. The girls have had colds the past couple of days so they really enjoyed just being outside and playing. I will upload a lot more pictures on a slideshow sometime today or tomorrow.
Posted by Parker Family at 4:08 PM 1 comments
Lyra tagged me to play along, so here goes. I’m supposed to tell 5 random things about myself and 5 places I would like to see or see again. Thanks for tagging me, Lyra!
1. A big pet peeve of mine is when people smack their food.
2. I love the beach but am afraid of getting in the water b/c I can't see what's on the bottom.
3. My birthmark is a jet black streak of hair. (Everyone that sees it says- "Did you know you have some black hair?!" it's really funny)
4. I am deathly afraid of heights but Thad didn't know it was that bad until he took me up on a Ferris Wheel. We got to the top and I closed my eyes and started shaking and telling him to make the people let us off. We got off and he said "I'm sorry I didn't believe you" Haha!
5. When I was in high school I had more accidents with a curling iron then I can remember. One morning I dropped the iron it rolled down and burnt my eyeball. I had to go to the doctor and wear a patch for about 4 days to let it heal. (My hair looked good though :)) Haha!
Places to see...
1. New York- I've been there twice but I can't wait to go back!
2. Anywhere that has clear water beaches so I can finally go swimming without worry. :)
3. Italy b/c it's such a beautiful place.
4. Panama- I went in high school on a missions trip and I would love to go back.
5. California- I've never been but my sister has and gave me the itch to go.
Now I'm going to tag Carmen, Mom, Sarah Livingston, Lynn
Posted by Parker Family at 1:56 PM 0 comments