We have decided to take on the challenging task of potty training!!! I can't begin to tell you all how nervous I am about this. We got Ellie some panties and an Elmo toilet seat last night so we'll see how it goes. Any advice from those of you with experience in this department would be greatly appreciated. :)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Monkey See, Monkey Do.
Lately Ava has been climbing on everything! Tonight she reached new levels... My mom and dad gave the girls a kitchen for Christmas and they love it! Right next to the kitchen is another toy that is too complicated to explain but it's the perfect height for Ava to climb on. She was trying to reach the top of the kitchen and couldn't so she was determined to find a way and she did. She climbed up the toy and then onto the kitchen. She was so pleased with herself and of course Ellie had to follow suit. Now we are never safe because nothing will stop this child...
Posted by Parker Family at 9:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Don't judge a book by its cover
Yesterday I thought it would be great to take the girls somewhere, besides our front yard, and play. Just by looking outside it looked like a perfect day to go out... I was wrong! It was about 40 degrees and the wind was aweful. We ended up leaving after about 10 minutes. Right as we were about to leave Ava fell and hit her head on the stone ground. I'm telling you that she can't catch a break when it comes to having bumps and bruises on her face! Luckily we were very close to a good friends house and just ran by there and put an ice pack on and she was fine. :) We managed to get a few pictures though.
Posted by Parker Family at 8:48 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
World's Youngest Chef
I'm sure none of you knew that Ellie is a chef. This morning I walked in on her "makin' suppa" with her cereal. She had finished her first bowl and said she was still hungry so I gave her some more. I was tending to Ava and when I came back in the room there she was. She said "Mama! I makin' suppa!" It was so cute I couldn't be upset that she had made a HUGE mess.
Posted by Parker Family at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Playtime in the funniest places..
A couple of months ago Ellie started helping me do the laundry. As soon I start unloading clothes from the washer to the dryer she says "I help, I help". So I hand her the clothes and she puts them in. Well the other night she was asking to get in the dryer. Of course she said this to Thad and he helped her in. She was happy as could be... She drank her milk and sat there. Ava, wanting to do everything her sister does, wanted to get in. She LOVED it! She giggled the whole time she was in there. Like a lot of things the fun wore off quickly and they wanted to get out.
Posted by Parker Family at 11:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
Just about every day the girls and I take a trip and go get the mail. It's always fun b/c we never know what we're going to get. Today we got a package from my mom. In this package was a bubble blower!!! Instead of wearing ourselves out blowing bubbles now we just dip the bubble blower in the dish and pull the trigger. Let me tell you that the girls were beside themselves!!!
Posted by Parker Family at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Second Wind...

Posted by Parker Family at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Already a year!
Ava had her 12 month check up today and did great! It's a month late b/c the holiday season was crazy... She weighed 22.8 pounds and is 29.75 inches long! She's growing so fast! She's in the 75th percentile for both height and weight. She did great at the doctor. Though he did say that there is nothing we can do about her mean streak... Haha!

Posted by Parker Family at 4:07 PM 0 comments