Tuesday, December 18, 2007


So far Ava's favorite game is Peek-A-Boo. She will play with anything... A towel, blanket, clothes, her hands... Whatever is close when she's in the mood. It's so funny hearing her say "Boo" and then cackling about it. Here are a few pictures of her playing the other night.

Baby it's cold outside!

Today Ellie really wanted to go outside and swing. It's been pretty cold outside the past few days but I couldn't say "no" b/c she's just so cute. :) So we all bundled up and went outside to swing. Ava was tired when we went out and ended up falling asleep. They managed to stay warm and ended up swinging for about 30 minutes... Here are a few pics of them all wrapped up.

Happy Birthday Ava!!!!

I am amazed at how fast this past year has gone by! It's hard to believe that a year ago we brought her home from the hospital! It has been so much fun watching Ava grow and develop such a personality. We had her party on Saturday night and had a great time! She got more toys then she knows what to do with and before she ran around shirtless she had some cake. :) She finally said her first word this past week which is "Boo!" She LOVES to play peek a boo with everyone! We're looking forward to what the next year has in store...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Brush your teeth

On occasion Ellie likes to brush her teeth by herself and last night was one of those times. She had left the bathroom with her toothbrush and was walking around brushing her teeth. I had sat down on the couch and had put Ava up there with me. Next thing I know Ellie is putting the brush in Ava's mouth and Ava is letting her!! Ava then took the toothbrush from Ellie and started brushing her own teeth. After the cuteness of it wore off we then realized that it is a toothbrush and kind of gross to be sharing it... So we sadly had to ruin their fun... :( Before we did though we took a few pics...

Monday, December 3, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree! Oh Christmas Tree!

We got our tree up and the girls are loving it!! Every morning Ellie asks "Mama! tree? lights? lights?" It's so cute. They have actually done really well with not touching it too. :) Here are a few pictures of the girls in front of the tree. Notice the bottom doesn't have any ornaments b/c Ava will pull them off. Haha!